Macro shot of a flower after taking a break

I put myself and my passions on hold for 2 months

For two months, between March and May 2020, life made me take a break from my two main passions, travelling and photography. That’s what drives my life, decisions and, also, my anxiety. So, it felt like putting my whole self on hold. This is what I learnt and how I dealt with it.

On the 10th of March 2020 I travelled to Bali for the first time. Different feelings were going through my soul, excitement, gratitude, amusement but also anxiety and fear. 

It was a new country for me and my plan was to work on this website, take countless pictures, and connecting with other nomads/creatives. However, my camera stayed off for the whole trip, which only lasted 4 days.

Why? You probably guessed it already but it was due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision didn’t come quickly or easily. My mind was questioning it over and over which was making me feel even more confused. 

Going back to Italy was a risk and not easy because, at that stage, it had the most cases in the world. Staying in Bali might have worked, but I didn’t know anyone there and the island, along with the whole world, was slowly shutting down. So, before Australia closed its borders, I managed to get in.


Back in Australia, I felt like my life plan had failed and everything was taking a step back. Also, I removed the battery from my camera and let it sit for 2 months. So my two of my biggest passions, photography and travelling, were on a break. Mostly because my thoughts and energy were somewhere else.

I was either worried about my family and how this pandemic was shaping the world or trying to focus on making this website go live.

During this time, I also wrote Anxiety while in isolation which was my first post for this website.

Not being able to have the freedom to travel wherever I wanted to and not having any inner push to pick up my camera and use it felt weird, but it was fine. It even felt needed.

It was time to slow down. I had the privilege to do so, compared to many who were still needed to help people and the world stay alive. 

My overthinking mind still tricked me a few times. It made me feel anxious and bad that I wasn’t shooting or creating content to then post online. But, again, it was fine. The camera needed a break and not having many planes in the air was helping Mother Nature heal.

At the beginning of May, restrictions started to ease up a bit, so I went for a walk with my camera.

While exploring a park, taking pictures felt as if it was my first time doing so.  I was experimenting with and enjoying it.

Sure, some photos didn’t have much meaning or thought in them, but others made me feel ecstatic. They brought me back to when I was a kid, shooting everything, and feeling proud of every picture taken.


So, if you are not feeling motivated or driven by your passion, it’s perfectly fine.

We all need some time to recharge our creative batteries. Once you feel like you want to get back to it, then everything will happen naturally and you’ll feel motivated and driven.

Taking a break might unfold new ideas or the spark you felt when you first started doing what you love.

Let me know if you are or have been in a similar situation and how you dealt with it!

These are some of my favourite pictures shot after the break.

  • Dandelion macro shot

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