Ciao 2020 and a message for 2021
Hello you wonderful soul, how are you? I can’t believe that 2020 has already ended and we are now in 2021! This is going to be a relatively short and “straight from the heart” post. It’s a message to 2020 and 2021 that I wrote without thinking too much. Instead, I let my hands go free.
It feels like yesterday that I was leaving New Zealand after one year of adventures and coming back to Sydney for Mardi Gras.
After that, my plan was to move to Bali for a while because I wanted to try and meet other content creators, photographers or entrepreneurs. There was, and still is, a big hype around Bali so I thought that going there was a must to get my life together and start building some sort of business. What business? It’s a question I’m still trying to figure out.
Looking back at it, I was probably going because everyone on Instagram was going as it was the perfect place to work on your dreams. Then the pandemic happened and, after lots of worries, thoughts and anxiety, I flew back to Australia 4 days later.
2020 was tough. But that is okay
I struggled not to see this decision as a failure. As a ways to go backwards and to move even further away from the already vague idea that I had in mind. But this year had something else in mind which completely changed the plans of the entire world. And that is okay.
Looking back at this year, it might feel very bittersweet. Or probably not sweet at all.
The pandemic forced us to give ourself and the planet a break. Many things we took for granted daily gained deeper importance and appreciation. Things like travelling, seeing friends and family or the freedom to go out at any time became more like gifts.
And for many, me included, it was hard adjusting to this.
I struggled with not being able to travel. In January, my hands were holding the third most powerful passport in the world. Two months later, I was feeling concerned to even show it because Italy was the center of the pandemic. So, to the eyes of many, I was carrying COVID-19 with me.
There were days where I was losing it and badly. I felt trapped, annoyed, sad and angry. Part of my freedom was gone and it hurt, even though it was for a way bigger cause.
Looking back at this year, it’s easy and even understandable to hate it, to call it one of the worst years and so on. Lots of people lost their lives and others had their lives transformed in ways I cannot even imagine.
No matter what, there are things to be grateful for
However, there are things to be grateful for. It might sound crazy to think this, but it’s true. The fact that after all of you have been through, you still opened your eyes, sent oxygen to your lungs and showed up is something to be grateful for.
Or that life gifted you another chance to enjoy a new day or a simple cup of tea among this craziness. Or that you spent more times with you family than you even did before.
Personally, I’m grateful for creating and sending this website live. For months I had it on my computer afraid of putting it out there. But, then, one day I just did. I don’t know what happened in my mind but I’m glad it did.
I’m grateful for the community I have and the relationships that it’s creating. And for the fact that, despite the uncertainty of this year, I got to 2021 healthy and alive and with friends on my side.
Speaking of the wider picture, I’m grateful that Mother Earth got the chance to take a break from our craziness and heal for a bit.
This year was truly memorable. Whether you want to remember it more positively or negatively it’s your choice.
Just remember that you did it. You got through it. You are alive.
Some messages for your 2021
To end this quick and unplanned post, I want to share with you some words from me and from people I follow on IG, as a message for your 2021. The first one is a quick message I wrote.
For your 2021,
I hope that you’ll smile more, even for no apparent reasons.
I hope that you’ll achieve what your heart desires, even if it’s something that society or you consider small.
I hope that you’ll be more kind to yourself while you go through the unique and beautiful roller coaster called life.
I hope that, no matter what others and the world do, you won’t compare your reality to someone else’s highlights. And that you keep believing in the beauty of being alive and trusting that it’s all worthwhile.
I hope that looking back, you’ll feel proud for having made this far. For having faced the day even when you didn’t feel like. And for not having given up on life.
I hope that you’ll keep going because there’s still so much beauty out there for you.
The second message for your 2021 is from Bianca Sparacino (rainbowsalt on IG). Her words always speak to my heart and are so soft and gentle.
Two years ago, my mother went to the doctors thinking that she pulled a muscle in her neck, and ended up being diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. She was empowered, and beautiful; she had so many hopes. And then she got sick. Very out of the blue, in this abrupt and immense way. And from there – everything changed. She didn’t know how much time she had. She didn’t know if she would beat it, or if she would even wake up the next day. And that uncertainty, that feeling like life was suddenly so different than what she had envisioned at first it felt unfair. Like time was being taken away from her.
But one of the biggest lessons my mother taught me was that sometimes life goes to plan, and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes the things you are most hopeful for end up dissipating or not coming to fruition. Slowly, I saw the fear in my mother disappear. And instead of being angry, or saddened at how uncertain her life suddenly became, she became the most joy-filled person. She would open her eyes and genuinely rejoice that she had another day here, that she got to see another sunrise, that she got to hold my father’s hand just one more day. Because that is what happens when everything is challenged, and you really connect with the fact that you are lucky to be alive. That tomorrow is never promised. That the only thing you can control is how you show up and your gratitude – your gratitude for another day, your gratitude for having woken up, your gratitude for a warm cup of coffee or a beautiful moment with someone you love, or the fact that you were given another 24 hours to put your heart into this world.
Nothing in this life is certain. And this year was really hard because I think it drove home the fact that life can change so quickly. But instead of focusing on those fears, I urge you to focus on what that means. I urge you to let it empower you to live each day in gratitude. Be present. Be thankful that you are here. Life is a mess you will never be able to contain. All you can do is crash your whole soul into it. All you can do is wake up happy for another day, another chance, to find even the smallest bit of beauty and magic within it.
Bianca Sparacino
The final message for your 2021 is from Morgan Harper Nichols which I also love and follow religiously on Instagram.
You have mastered the art of saying, “I’m so happy for you.” You have perfected the ear-to-ear grin that lets them know you truly mean it. But at the same time, you cannot help but wonder when good things will happen for you, too. And even though you know the sun is still shining on you, and all around, you see love blooming into life, you cannot help but wonder what it would feel like in your own life. You cannot help but wonder when something beautiful will bloom for you. I cannot tell you how much longer you will have to wait, but I can tell you are free to swim in the deep blue sea of possibility right here, as you are. You are free to dream of what is to come. You are free to imagine. You are free to let hope run wild within you. You are free to be just as excited for your future as you are about everyone else’s (even if their plans for the further seem a little more figured out than yours), you can still trust that even here, there is so much more in store.
Morgan Harper Nichols
May your 2021 be magical, full of gratitude, life, love and kindness. No matter what will happen, be proud of yourself. You can and will do it.
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